Simone Arcagni

For information and contacts

A professor at Università di Palermo, he holds a degree in Cinema History from Università di Pavia and has been a freelance journalist since 2003.

He collaborates with Nòva-Il Sole24Ore, FilmTV, Il Tascabile, Segnocinema, cheFare and other newspapers. He is also the author of Digital World, a Rai Scuola broadcast and maintains a blog entitled Postdigitale on the Nòva100 website.

As a scientific consultant, he has collaborated and collaborates with several organizations and institutes including Rai, Meet – International Center for Digital Culture, Rome Videogame Lab, Festival delle Letterature Migranti, Festival della Scienza e dell’Innovazione di Settimo Torinese, VRE, Invisible Studio. Since 2021 he has also been a consultant for new media and new technologies for the National Museum of Cinema in Turin and the scientific contact person for ANICA’s Union of Publishers and Digital Creators. He also directs OnLive Campus, a project of the Fondazione Piemonte dal Vivo.

He has been scientific curator of the exhibitions “Futuri passati” (Biennale Democrazia, Polo del ‘900), “#FacceEmozioni” (with Donata Pesenti Campagnoni for the National Museum of Cinema in Turin) and the exhibitions “Cinema futuro” nel 2021 and “NFT | Cinema” nel 2022 as part of the Rome Videogame Lab of Cinecittà and Rai Cinema.

He is co-editor with Daniele Rosa of the series “Nautilus” (Luiss University Press) and author of Digital Visions (Einaudi, 2016), L’Occhio della macchina (Einaudi, 2018), Immersi nel futuro. Virtual Reality, the New Frontier of Cinema and TV (Palermo University Press/Rai, 2020), Future Cinema. Futurology of Cinema (Nero, 2021), Digital Storytelling (Luiss University Press, 2021).
He edited H.G. Wells’ The Discovery of the Future (Luiss University Press) and together with Adriano D’Aloia the special issue of “Cinergie” VR Storytelling: Potentials and Limitations of Virtual Reality Narrative. His latest publication is NFT | Cinema (Kaplan, 2022).

Dove vive la tecnologia? | Simone Arcagni | TEDxTorino
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