For information and contacts
Born in Turin in 1987, Lorenzo Pregliasco is a member of the European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research, a founding partner of Quorum, and the director of YouTrend.
He regularly speaks on Sky TG24, Rai and La7, and his analyses on Italian politics and public opinion appear frequently on international media including Reuters, BBC, Financial Times, Wall Street Journal, Euronews, and Bloomberg.
He has written for L’Espresso, Limes, il Sole 24 Ore, Politico Europe, and Aspenia. He currently teaches at the University of Bologna, the Holden School in Turin, and the first ever Executive Education programme in Political Communication and Campaigning at King’s College London, which he founded in 2017.
Pregliasco is the author of Il crollo [The Fall] (Editori Riuniti, 2013), Una nuova Italia. Dalla comunicazione ai risultati un’analisi delle elezioni del 4 marzo [The New Italy: Analyzing the March 4 Elections from Communications to Results] (Castelvecchi, 2018) and Fenomeno Salvini. Chi è, come comunica, perché lo votano. [The Salvini Phenomenon: The Man, His Communication Style, and Why People Vote for Him] (Castelvecchi 2019).
In 2021, he curated the publication of Politica Netflix [Netflix Politics], the first book published by Will Media, and in 2022 he wrote Benedetti sondaggi. Leggere i dati, capire il presente [Blessed polls. Reading the data, understanding the present] (ADD Editore). In 2023 he published Il paese che siamo. L’Italia dalla prima Repubblica alla politica on demand [The country we are. Italy from the First Republic to on-demand politics] (Mondadori).
He is the author and editor of two podcasts: “La democrazia in America” [Democracy in America] (2020) and “Qui si fa l’Italia” [Making Italy] (Spotify Studios, 2021), “Elezione straordinaria” [An Extraordinary Election] (Chora, Media 2022) and “Flipper” (Chora Media, 2022).