Antonio Polito

For information and contacts

Antonio Polito is the former deputy editor of Corriere della Sera, where he is now a columnist. He began his journalism career in the Naples editorial office for l’Unità, then moved to La Repubblica as deputy editor and London correspondent. He was founder and editor of the daily newspaper Il Riformista and editor-in-chief of Il Corriere del Mezzogiorno, as well as being an Italian senator for the Ulivo party between 2006 and 2008.

Polito has written numerous works of nonfiction and two successful interview-books on British historian Eric Hobsbawm and British philosopher and politician Ralf Dahrendorf. He is the author of Contro i papà [Against Fathers] and In fondo alla destra [The Bottom Right], published by Rizzoli. He published Riprendiamoci i nostri figli [Taking Back Our Children], which was the winner of the 2018 Cesare Pavese Prize, and Prove techniche di resurrezione [Test Runs for Resurrection] with Marsilio. His book Il Muro che cadde due volte [The Wall that Fell Twice] was published in 2019 by Solferino.

In addition to politics and economics, he loves analyzing generational dynamics and uncovering new walking itineraries. The walks in his book Le regole del cammino [Rules of the Road] (Marsilio, 2020) become metaphors for life and sources of insight into current events, history, and culture, as well as ways of reflecting on Italy’s political future.

Il punto di Antonio Polito – Unomattina – 21/02/2022
Antonio Polito: “La guerra l’ha iniziata la Russia, se si vuole uscire da una logica …