I, Leonardo da Vinci


Elastica Production


Theater Adaptation




Where and when

On tour, 2019

Massimo Polidoro, a writer, science educator, conference speaker and internationally famous expert in the field of pseudo-science and the psychology of the unusual, brings to the stage “I, Leonardo da Vinci: The Secret Life of a Genius Rebel”, a portrait of a man with virtues and flaws, great ambitions and fluctuating fortunes. Thanks to his inquiring mind, his endless desire for knowledge and his ambition of success, he managed to overcome his all too human limits and deal with difficulties, rejection and disheartening experiences which could have put off a less determined person forever.

Polidoro, with his great skill as a storyteller, brings the secret Leonardo to life with words, quotations and recollections, and guides the public into the world of this genius, accompanied by suggestions, the places he lived in, and the figures who played both large and small roles in his extraordinary new life story, which will liven up the screen.

He is portrayed as an illegitimate child, with no formal education, who was a left-handed, homosexual, vegetarian pacifist, and who grew up knowing that he could only count on himself and his own undeniable talent. The story that emerges is a marvellous adventure involving redemption and triumph over adversity” explains Polidoro.

The show is enriched by music, with original compositions by Marco Forni, and illustrations by Massimo Pastore.

It is based on the second book which Massimo Polidoro has written about the genius of Leonardo da Vinci Io, Leonardo Da Vinci (out on 30 April, published by Edizioni Piemme-Il Battello a Vapore), which follows his fascinating memoir Leonardo. Il romanzo di un genio ribelle (Edizioni Piemme-Il Battello a Vapore – featuring an introduction by Piero Angela).” 

Production from 2019